Uji Kinerja Alat Penetas Telur Dengan Kapasitas 30 Butir Telur Bebek

Muhammad Yasir, Maulidi M, Mohd. Isa. T. Ibrahim, Muhammad Faisal


The more advanced the development of science and technology, the more open business opportunities are in order to get a decent life, namely by raising poultry. This has consequences for the demand for poultry eggs. To meet the current demand for poultry seeds, we not only rely on traditional methods because they cannot produce quickly, but we need technical support that can speed up and simplify the hatching of eggs, namely by using (an egg incubator). To use an egg incubator, many things must be considered to maintain the temperature between 37-39oC with a humidity of 60-70% in the incubator room as the temperature and humidity values are within the numbers required by the egg, and turning the eggs every 3- 5 hours so that the embryo can grow. fully developed and quality results, from the first day to day 26 need 60-70% humidity on day 27 to day 28 until hatching needs to increase humidity 70-80% to facilitate hatching and turn off the sliding rack until all ducks hatch. The energy loss in incubator Q loss in the incubator room is 546.1 × 10-3 W/m or 0.5461 kJ/s while the energy given is 1.2943 kJ and 0.748 kJ/s energy absorbed by the egg. After testing and analyzing the data, the conclusion is that the incubator using this automatic sliding rack provides convenience in the egg-hatching process so that it becomes more practical and efficient in turning the eggs. success in this test reached 70%. 23 eggs hatched from a total of 30 eggs that were hatched. In the results of this egg-hatching test, the temperature was set between 37-39 oC.

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