Nurjihan Nurjihan, Irma Sari, Risa Nursanty


Resistance of bacteria to antibiotics had lead researchers to find new antibacterial material alternatives that comes from nature. Kecubung (Datura metel L.) which is traditional medicine that had provenforantibacterial activity. Has done research on the  kecubung leaves (Datura metel L.) includes phytochemical screening, and antibacterial activity of ethyl acetate extracts from kecubung leaves against Methicillin Resisitant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Extraction of kecubung leaves was done by maceration method. The result of phytochemical screening on ethyl acetic extract had shown the presence of alkaloid and steroid. Antibacterial activity test of kecubung leaves extract on MRSA was done by Kirby-Bauer method with extract concentration variation 5, 10, 15 and 20%. Testing the antibacterial activity had shown the different results of each concentration. Concentration 20% produces an average of the largest drag zones namely 15.85 mm. Concentrations of 5, 10, and 15% ethyl acetate extracts each form drag zone average of 13,32; 12,16 mm; and 14,96 mm.

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