Hasanah Hasanah, Putri Dini Meutia


This study discussed about the relationship of educators and learners in the hadith of the Prophet. The world of education is the world of teachers, the home of rehabilitation of children. Accidentally, teachers try to mobilize all the energy and mind to teach students from who do not know anything about education. School as a place of devotion is the frame of the teachers’ goal in the nobility of the mind to pass on divine values and transform multivalues salvation of the world and the hereafter to the students in order to become noble, intelligent, creative, and independent human that is useful for the construction of country in the future. The research method in this study is a library research. The results shown that the Prophet gave education to his companions with a sense of justice, compassion, smile, tawadhu and low self-esteem and the attitude of giving each other mutual support both love and sorrow. The Prophet also gave the command to his companions gently without coercion with weak soft. Then explain that a good teacher should run a good relationship with learners to achieve a fun learning process.

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