Elfa Yeni, Agus Naufal


The Port of Lampulo is the largest fishing port in Aceh Province where loading and unloading activities and fish auctions at the port are more crowded than other ports in Aceh. According to the category of the Directorate General of Fishery Fishery Port of Lampulo currently belongs to the port of type C but not all the requirements of type C ports can be met either. To find out whether the development of the Lampulo Fisheries Port facility needs to be identified from the availability and feasibility of basic, functional and supporting facilities owned by the port. The results of observation indicate that the basic facilities of the port in the form of land, darmaga and place of the ship's boat are not qualified and in bad condition. Port functional facilities such as auction buildings, ice factories, fresh water, fuel oil also do not meet the standard C-type ports except Fishing Package that can meet the needs of fishermen of Lampulo Fishing Port. Supporting facilities in the form of parking and electricity can be considered to meet the needs. From these conditions, it can be concluded that the condition of Pelikan Perikana Lampulo is not meet the established standards and require the development of facilities.

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