Cut Rahmiati, Septria Yelni


Joint pain is a condition that often experienced for elderly and caused by a degenerative disease that causes reduced joint synovial fluid and give a pain and joint stiffness. Streching exercise is an exercise that done to increasing the production of synovial fluid and the flexibility of muscles and joints. The purposeof this research was to find out the effect of stretching on knee joint pain level for elderly. The method of this research was aquasi experimentresearchdesign device of pre and postest without control. Thedata collectedat Gampong Bayu Kecamatan Darul Imarah Kabupaten Aceh Besar, with amount of sample counted 33 respondent. The level of the knee joint pain was measured by VAS pain scale. The data were analyzed with SPSS 17 program with non parametric statistic test, when  the knee joint pain on standstill was measured by McNemar test, but when the knee joint pain on pressure, while moving (walking), and to see the general knee pain scale before and after stretching was measured by Marginal Homogenity test. The research result showedthe differences joint pain level between before and after stretching exercise (p value = 0,014). So stretching exercise can be used as one of the alternative therapies to relieve joint pain for the elderly.

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