Rita Oktavia


This study aims to determine the types of freshwater prawns contained in the Province of Aceh as well as the character of its habitat. The research will be conducted in April - July 2014. The research will be conducted at seven observation points or established stations. The method used in shrimp sampling is purposive sampling. Using a net catch tool. At each station, samples were collected for 30-45 minutes with a length of 3-5 m sampling area along the river in a direction against the current. Samples were taken to the Basic Biology Laboratory of STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh, to be identified. The identification of shrimp is done based on morphology, color, taxonomic characteristics and body measurements following the identification key of Wowor (2004), Riyanto, I, dkk.2015, Daryanto, Hamidah, Kartika (2015), Supriadi, A. 2012. Shrimp habitats in each station are described and documented. Found five types of shrimp species found in seven rivers in West Aceh. kind is Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Macrobrachium empulipke, Macrobrachium equidens, Macrobarchium australe, and Macrobrachium lanchesteri. There are different types of shrimp found in different habitat characters.

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