Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Rumbia (Metroxylon Sagu) Sebagai Pewarna Alami Tekstil

Zuhra Amalia, Zakwan Neza, Abdul Haris, Salam Salam


The use of natural materials as a source of dyes continues to be carried out in order to reduce environmental problems due to the use of synthetic dyes. One source of natural dye is thatch (Metroxylon Sago). Rumbia fruit peel extract contains tannin compounds that can produce brown pigments. This study aims to determine the effect of the type of solvent and extraction time on the yield of tannins in the skin of the rumbia fruit and to test the color quality of the tannin extract when applied to the fabric. The research was carried out by extracting the rind of the rumbia fruit by maceration using water and 70% ethanol as a solvent with soaking times of 1,2,3 and 4 days. The identification of tannin compounds was carried out qualitatively using FeCl3 solution and continued with the determination of the tannin yield. The color quality of the fabric is carried out by testing the fastness of the fabric. The results of the analysis showed the presence of tannin compounds in the rumbia fruit peel extract which was characterized by the formation of a blue-black color with FeCl3 solution. The highest maserate yield of 42.7% was obtained by extraction with water for 4 days. The fastness test showed good results where the brown color of the fabric was not affected by repeated washing and drying.

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