Pengaruh Kesehatan Mentalitas Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi terhadap Mutu Pendidikan pada Fakultas Teknik Universitas Malahayati

Lestari Wuryanti, Aprilia Dwi Sukawati


The study is aimed at learning about the mental health of students at the time of the pandemic against the quality of education in engineering at Malahayati University. The number of reponden in this study is 34 respondents, from the 2020 department of engineering of Malahayati University. The study uses a quantitative descriptive by disseminating the questionnaires through the media of Google form. The results in this study suggest that the health of the student mentality greatly affect the quality of education at the 2020 school of engineering at Malahayati University. Such tools can become self - control and problem solving and can thus determine students' interest in the development of education services. The limits of this study are focused only on the health of the student mentality at Malahayati University technical department. That applied the free learning method. The results of this study may be expected as information on learning and understanding associated with self-control (dealing) and problem solving (addictive) to reduce the likelihood of a mental disorder of the quality of education.Keyword: Health mentality, pandemics, educational quality 

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