Konsep Etika dalam Pandangan Al-Ghazali

Hasanah Hasanah, Akhyar Akhyar, Syarifah Rahmiza Muzana, Saifuddin Saifuddin, Maiza Monica


Ethics is one part of human life that can never be removed from every action, attitude and human behavior in their daily lives by always paying attention to the prevailing morals and norms. The purpose of this study is to review how the thoughts of leading philosophers in the Islamic world are listed in famous works in the science of religion. This study uses a library research method that focuses on studying books related to ethics in Imam Al-Ghazali's view, taking into account other articles as well. The results of the study show that the ethical concept in Imam Al-Ghazali is to continue to follow the teachings as already in the Qur'an and Hadith, by applying various commendable attitudes and behaviors so that they can be detailed, namely the formation of ethics through the nature of Takhalli, namely emptying the soul from bad attitude, Tahalli which fills or encourages self and soul to be commendable, and Tajalli is the perfection of all commendable attitudes and behavior or good morals. By using exemplary methods, experience, practice and also earnest effort to achieve purity of the soul in commendable attitude and behavior.

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