Pengembangan Sistem Penyimpanan Data Berbasis Dev C++ Untuk Deteksi Dini Kehamilan Beresiko di Posyandu

Khairul Fuady


Several factors can make a pregnancy high risk, including the genetic factor, the congenital disease, the lifestyle, the height, and the othe non medical factor. The pregnancy risk detection can be decrease the rate of maternal mortality. The development of data recording based on DEV C++ is one chance to detect the pregnancy risk. The information of the pregnant woman in POSYANDU will save and analize using the algorithm that will be synchronize with the decision making to result the output including the information and the message warning. This information can be used by the pregnant woman to obtain the preventif and treatment method that correct for his pregnancy. This system can be saving, analyzing and providing the output in accordance with the programming logic.       

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