Pengaruh Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Akuntabilitas terhadap Kualitas Pengelolaan Dana Desa Kampung Wih Nareh Kecamatan Pegasing Kabupaten Aceh Tengah

Amna Sari, Agusmadi Agusmadi, Marah Sutan Rangkuti


Research aims to prove emperis influence, community participation, accountability affects the quality of funds management of Kampung Wih Nareh village, Pegasing District of Central Aceh Regency. This research was conducted in Kampung Wih Nareh Pegasing District of Central Aceh Regency, with respondents consisting of, Wih Nareh village community, district employees, and village officials. Sample data from the test results to respondents' answers to questionnaires given, while community participation is positively correlated and significantly affects the quality of village fund management. and accountability is positively correlated and significantly affects the quality of village fund management. According to the correspondent, accountability related to accountability and increased voice / proposal of the people of Kampung Wih Nareh Pegasing District of Central Aceh Regency, community participation, accountability, simultaneously affect the management of village funds

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