Kolaborasi Inovasi Publik Berbasis Kepemimpinan Transformasi Yang Didukung Oleh Akuisisi Knowledge dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Organisasi Bappeda di Aceh

Teuku Aznal Zahri, A. Rahman Lubis, Muslim A. Djalil, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin


This study aims to analyze the determinant factors of organizational performance at BAPPEDA offices throughout Aceh, Indonesia. The identified factors that can affect employee performance in the context of BAPPEDA are Collaborative Public Innovation, Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Acquisition, Employee Competences, Innovative Climate and Organizational Performance. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires using a stratified random sampling technique involving 290 respondents in 24 BAPPEDA offices in Aceh. On the direct effect, there are seven hypotheses that have been developed concerning the determinants of the organizational performance factors of BAPPEDA. Of the 7 verification hypotheses tested, 6 of them have a positive and significant influence, namely hypotheses No. 1,2, 3, 5, 6 and 7. Only one hypothesis is not supported, namely hypothesis no. 4, which describes the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Performance. In testing the indirect effect involving 3 hypotheses, the results show that the effect of Collaborative Public Innovation, transformation leaderships and knowledge acquisition on Organizational Performance through Employee Competences has a P value (probability) less than 0.05. These criteria meet the requirements for judging an indirect hypothesis to be accepted. 6. In the moderating hypothesis that measures the role of innovative climate, from the calculation results, the moderating role of Innovative Climate on the Effect of Knowledge Acquisition and employee competence on Organizational Performance is significant. This means that the findings in this study are in line with previous research which states that innovative climate can act as a moderator that can increase knowledge acceleration in obtaining strategic innovations that are used to support organizational performance

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