Teaching Writing Procedure Text by Using Pie (Point, Ilustration and Eksplanation) Strategy

Rayyan Mufazzal Nasution, Suryani Suryani, Rini Susiani


The objective of this pre-experimental study was find out if the use of the PIE strategy can improve the ninth grade students of at MAS Al Ishlah Al Aziziyah Banda Aceh in writing procedural text.The population of this study is all students in the ninth grade in academic year 2021/2022 (70 students), and the sample is one class of 34 students which were chosen by using random sampling technique. After teaching writing by using PIE strategy, it was found that the students’ writing scores were significantly improved. The result of t-test showed that the value of t-test is -22.08 (out of -1.96 and 1.96). It indicates that after the researcher taught procedural text using the PIE strategy, the students' writing ability in terms of content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics improved significantly

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