Pemanfaatan Limbah Ikan dan Tanaman Anting-Anting (Acalypha indica L.) Sebagai Pakan Kucing: Tingkat Kesukaan

Nadia Putri, Lia Handayani


Fish waste is one of the by-products of fisheries that can cause an increase in disease-causing bacterial breeding, while the earring plant is one of the bush plants that is very often eaten by cats. The research objective is as a preliminary study of the acceptance of feed made from fish waste and earring plants by cats. Thus the waste of fish and earring plants has economic value if it can be used as feed products. the method used is observation. Cat feed is made from 89% fish waste, 7% earring plants, 3% bran and 1% eggs. Observations from this study found that dry form feed is preferred by cats, and with a simple manufacturing method, feed is preferred by cats during the day of administration.

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