Hubungan Kecemasan Anak Usia 7-14 Tahun Dengan Perawatan Gigi Di Poli Gigi Puskesmas Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Linda Suryani


That causes children to be uncooperative during dental care. Design research was analytic with cross sectional research. The results of this research that, there is a statistically significant relationship between anxiety of children aged 7-14 years with dental care at the dental clinic of Indrapuri Health Center (P = 0.003). Anxiety of children aged 7-14 years consists of high anxiety 16 children (53.3%) and low anxiety 14 children (46.7%). Dental care for pediatric patients was done by 17 children (56.7%) and 13 children (43.3%) were not implemented.The conclusion. It is expected that parents can provide an understanding of dental care and reduce threats by forcing children to receive care, dental health workers should be able to anticipate anxiety that occurs in pediatric patients by conditioning the atmosphere of dental clinic and communicating well.

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