Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Tanah Pada Jalan SP. Teritit Totot-Lah Kecamatan Bukit Kabupaten Bener Merian

Muhammad Taufik, Ichsan Syahputra, Muhammad Ridha


A retaining wall is a construction plan that is built to hold soil that has a slope where the stability of the soil cannot be guaranteed by the soil itself. Bener Meriah Regency Road is one of the highland cities located in Aceh Province. However, because the topography on this route tends to be sloping and coupled with rainfall which tends to be high, there are several parts on the side of the road that experience landslides. With the aim of this final project research is to determine the dimensions of the cantilever type retaining wall, calculate the stability factor of safety (FK) with the Rocsiense Slide program version 6.0 and plan the dimensions of the retaining wall reinforcement on the Sp. Teritit-Totorlah, Bukit District, Bener Meriah Regency. The data used in this case study are primary data and secondary data. Testing the mechanical properties of the soil in the form of Direct Shear testing. The results showed that in the geotechnical laboratory test the soil type was slightly sandy silt soil, so the unit weight of the soil (𝛾) by taking the average value was obtained 19 kN/m3, the cohesion value (c) was obtained 0.0203 kg/cm2, the angle value shear (∅) obtained 29.65° in soil sample U-01. In the soil sample U-02, the unit weight of the soil (𝛾) was 19 kN/m3, the cohesion value (c) was 0.0939 kg/cm2, the shear angle value (∅) was 34.52°. So that the planned dimensions of the retaining wall are H = 11.80 m, B = 7.08 m, toe width = 1.18 m, heel width = 4.72 m. Based on the results of the plan dimensions, after analyzing the design of the retaining wall construction, the results obtained from the analysis of the Rocscience slide program version 6.0 were to obtain a factor of safety (FK) value. The results of the FK from the modeling are, for the U-01 soil sample at STA 0+582 before the plan was 0.151 while for the U-02 soil sample at STA 0+639 it was 0.180. As for the modeling results after planning the retaining wall, namely, for the soil sample U-01 at STA 0+582 it was 4.472 while for the soil sample U-02 at STA 0+639 it was 5.406 and an alternative design was used with an FK value of 2.813. Reinforcement used for flexural reinforcement is D19-200 mm, the reinforcement used for shrinkage reinforcement and wall temperature is ∅10-75 mm, the reinforcement used for heel-toel reinforcement is D19-150 mm, the reinforcement used for horizontal sole reinforcement in the sample soil HB01-HB02 is ∅10-300 mm.

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