Karakteristik Kerupuk Ikan Kambing-Kambing (Abalistes stellaris) dengan Variasi Penambahan Wortel (Daucus carota L.)

Raduwin Raduwin, Dwi Apriliani, Lia Handayani


The Utilization of kambing-kambing fish in Aceh is not optimal so it is necessary to diversify dry products in the form of fish crackers. To increase the added value of the fish, it can be processed into fish crackers with the addition of carrots. This study aims to determine the characteristics of kambing-kambing fish crackers with variations in the addition of carrots with concentrations of 50%, 75%, and 100% including protein content, water content, and organoleptic crackers. The method used was experimental laboratories. The results showed that the addition of carrots concentration influence on kambing-kambing fish crackers. The highest protein content was obtained at 50% carrot concentration at 25.72, and the lowest protein content was obtained at 100% concentration at 14.72%. The highest water content was obtained at 50% carrot concentration at 4.28% and the lowest water content was obtained at 100% carrot concentration at 3.14%. The best organoleptic test results in goat fish crackers with a variation of the addition of 50% carrots by 7.95.

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