Penggunaan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dalam Penentuan Kawasan Daerah Perlindungan Laut (DPL) di Pulo Nasi, Aceh Besar

Faisal Syahputra, Aidy M Muslim, Wan Izatul Asma wan Talaat


The Marine Protection Area (MPA) is a form of marine conservation to protect the sustainability of marine resources in a particular region. The very important thing in forming an MPA is selecting the region and territorial boundaries of the MPA. MPA has a function to regulate human activity in the area so that it is very likely to cause a conflict of interest and affect the surrounding community. Determination of the DPL area requires a lot of criteria and consideration, to facilitate the process there are tools that can be used such as AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). AHP can simplify multidimensional criteria into a single-dimensional scale and combined with geographic information systems (GIS) will facilitate the calculation of the DPL area on large areas and complex criteria. This study was conducted in Pulo Nasi sub-district Pulo Aceh of Aceh Besar District. There are 5 criteria used in the calculation of the MPA location on the island, such as settlements, rivers, ferry ports, fishing ports and tourist attractions. The result of this analysis is a map of Pulo Nasi divided on appropriate area, less appropriate and not suitable area for MPA location.

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