Analisis Gangguan Muskuloskeletal Dengan Kejadian Resiko Jatuh Pada Lansia di Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial, Aceh

Riski Andi Surya, Iskandar Iskandar, Saiful Riza


Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the causes of the risk of falls in the elderly, as evidenced by disturbances in walking style and balance, which can lead to reduced mobility, a tendency for unstable legs, and a decreased ability to anticipate slipping, stumbling, and slow response, making the elderly more prone to falls. This research employed a quantitative cross-sectional method. The population and sample for this study consisted of 43 elderly individuals selected through total sampling technique. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire sheet. The research results showed that there is a relationship between Musculoskeletal Disorders and High Risk of Falls in the Elderly (p = 0.002), there is a relationship between Osteoarthritis and High Risk of Falls in the Elderly (p = 0.002), there is no relationship between Rheumatoid Arthritis and High Risk of Falls in the Elderly (p = 0.653), there is a relationship between Osteoporosis and High Risk of Falls in the Elderly (p = 0.003), and there is a relationship between Low Back Pain and High Risk of Falls in the Elderly (p = 0.007). The researchers hope that this study can provide benefits to the respondents by increasing their information and knowledge, as well as preventing the risk of falls in the elderly.

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