Sifat Barrier Film Layak Makan Berbasis Isolat Protein Sebagai Produk Kemasan

Rina Mirdayanti, Sari Wardani, Amalia Effendy


One important factor in packaging products is its resistance to water, air and gas. So food is not easily degraded with oxygen which can cause damage. So far, plastic food packaging from conventional plastic has good water vapor permeability, but if it interacts with food for too long it will cause contamination of the plastic constituent substances into food so it is not good for health. This study aims to analyze the properties of barrier edible films with protein isolates. Samples were analyzed to determine the nature of water vapor resistance to film by comparing solutions without using protein isolates and by using protein isolates. Centrifugation of protein extraction and water vapor transmission tests were carried out by the saucer method. The results showed the value of the water vapor transmission rate showed a very significant comparison, the films using water vapor transmission protein isolates were 0.00176 gr / m2 / day smaller than the films without using protein isolates at 0.00864 / m2 / day .

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