Studi Korelasi Koefisien Permeabilitas Vertikal dan Permeabilitas Horizontal pada Tanah Lempung

Muhammad Mabrur


In the soil, water can flow in the vertical or horizontal direction. The direction of this flow will affect the speed of water that called soil permeability coefficient (k). This coefficient is very important in some civil construction planning. The use of appropriate permeability coefficient values will result in safe and economical construction planning. The soil investigation data used by planners usually only presents permeability coefficient values in the vertical direction (top to bottom). Therefore, we need an equation that can be a corelation of the coefficients in the vertical direction and horizontal direction. The equation can be use to determined the value of the horizontal permeability coefficient based on the value of the vertical coefficient pemeability. To get the equation, permeability testing of 3 clay soil samples from 3 different locations in the city of Medan was conducted. Permeability testing is fallinghead test conducted in 2 direction water flow methods, first the vertical direction and than horizontal direction. To get the correlation equation, it is using a linear regression by using Microsoft Excel. Based on these results it is known that the correlation between the permeability coefficient in the vertical direction (kv) and the horizontal direction (kh) is kh = 0.8679 kv or kv = 1.14kh.

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