Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Kerang Dan Fiberglass Sebagai Bahan Tambah Mortar Komposit

Ahmad Fadly Simatupang, Cut Rahmawati, Muhammad Zardi


The development of knowledge and technology at this time continues to develop from time to time, especially in development developments in the construction sector, where these developments require more and more materials in construction construction. Mortar cracks easily due to its weakness in tensile strength. Several comparative tests have also been carried out to overcome the bad properties of mortar by adding fiber. In this research, fiberglass was used because it has great strength when mixed into mortar. Because fiberglass has high tensile strength, It is hoped that the use of a glass fiber mixture will provide the advantages of each material, resulting in high quality mortar. In addition, the composite mortar in this study contained shell ash as an additive. Shell ash has the potential to be used as a raw material to replace cement because it contains pozzolanic chemical compounds, including alumina, silica and lime (CaO). The aim of this study is to analyze mechanical properties in the form of compressive strength. The shells used are green mussels (Perna Viridis) with a variation of 0%; 5%; 7% and 10% of the total weight of cement. The fiberglass used is the Rovimet type with a variation of 0%; 0.1% and 2% of the total weight of cement. In the results of the compression test on the mortar, there was no additional percentage that could increase the compressive strength of the mortar compared to mortar without a mixture of shells and fiberglass.

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