Efektivitas Essensial Oil Sereh (ESSOL) Terhadap Nilai Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2

Rizka Dara Vonna, Talitha Arista, Nazka Salsabila, Maimun Tharida, Riyan Mulfianda


Therapeutic management in diabetes mellitus patients can be carried out by administering lemongrass essential oil which can have a vasodilation effect on blood vessels thereby preventing blockages in the extremities and this therapy can be carried out to increase the ankle brachial index value in patients. This research is a quasi-experimental type of research pretest and posttest approach. The population in this study were Type 2 DM patients at the Internal Medicine Clinic, totaling 15 respondents. The technique used in collecting samples was purposive sampling. This research was conducted in the Internal Medicine Clinic room from 05 to 23 June 2023. Data analysis used paired t tests and The results showed that the p value of the paired t test in the Lemongrass Essential Oil group was 0.002, Based on the results of statistical analysis in this research, it can provide a more comprehensive positive effect on the ABI value than before, namely during the pretest

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