Pengembangan Aplikasi Medication Reminder Control Berbasis Android Pasien Tuberculosis Di Kota Banda Aceh

Rio Belli Anugerah, Riyan Mulfianda, Saiful Riza


The importance of regularly taking medication during the TB healing process means that a tool is needed to remind TB sufferers to regularly take medication. The tool is in the form of an application-based TB medication monitoring application for TB patient medication compliance. The type of research carried out was descriptive observational to see the results of how it was applied to TB patients' medication adherence. The research was conducted from July 25 to August 7 on Tuberculosis Patients in Banda Aceh City. The number of samples obtained was 20 respondents. From the data obtained, the highest TB treatment program was in the early stages with the number 11 (56%). for the timeliness of taking advanced stage TB medication, namely 30%. The highest completeness of medication photos is at the advanced treatment stage, namely 30%. In the process of this research, it can be concluded that the level of application use in medication adherence is highest in patients with advanced medication with a percentage (84%) with a level of medication use and compliance of 20 56% of respondents were compliant and used the application completely when taking medication.

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