Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Syunting Pada Anak Usia 6-24 Bulan Di Puskesmas Jaboi Kota Sabang

Saufa Yarah, Nurul Ramadhani


One of the things that are quite significant in this problem is unbalanced nutrition in children. The problem of nutritional imbalance is a fairly simple matter, namely the lack of intake or consumption of foods containing certain nutrients. Parents mostly give food to their children as well as give food to adults every day. Objective: This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of stunting in children aged 6-24 months at the Jaboi Health Center, Sabang City in 2022. Methods: This type of research is analytical with a cross-sectional study design. The research was carried out from12 to 20 June 2022 with a population of 95 mothers with children aged 6-24 months in the Jaboi Health Center working area with a total sampling technique. Data collection techniques used primary data. Analysis using the chi-square test with univariate and bivariate analysis. Results:  The  results  showed  that  there  was  a relationship  between  maternal  sources  of information (p = 0.004), knowledge of maternal nutrition (p = 0.004), parenting patterns (p = 0.004), and the number of children (p = 0.042) with the incidence of stunting in children aged 6- 24 months. Conclusion: there is a relationship between maternal sources of information, knowledge of maternal nutrition, parenting patterns, and the number of children with stunting in children aged 6-24 months. It is hoped that officers, especially health workers, can provide correct information to mothers who have toddlers related to stunting

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