Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Perikanan Tangkap dan Trading Ikan PT Laot Aceh Marina Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Kutaraja Lampulo Banda Aceh

Idal Bahri, Yunida Pangastuti


Aceh is the westernmost outermost province of Indonesia, and has a wealth of underwater nature, including great underwater beauty. Based on existing data, only 10% of the total potential area of capture fisheries that have been utilized, where the rest are still included as very potential areas to be cultivated. Abundant resources have not been accompanied by poorly managed post-harvest handling, resulting in damage to some perishable fishery products. The lack of ice supply is also one of the causes of the poor quality of production. In the end, it will automatically reduce the level of production prices. This will reduce the level of income of fishermen. To realize the plan, PT Aceh Laot Marina will conduct business cooperation with investors in a profit sharing scheme with a 5-year investment return period. The initial investment needs for PT. Laot Aceh Marina is in the amount of Rp 220,254,000,000, - consisting of procurement of ships, facilities and other equipment, amounting to Rp 209,254,000,000. As for the working capital needs, Rp 11,000,000,000 is needed. As for the needs of building facilities and facilities for herbal fish preservative plants, the atmosphere requires funds of Rp. 25,000,000,000. Procurement of ships consists of 10 units of 60 GT purse seine vessels and 6 units of 30 GT longlines. From the number of ships it is planned to produce 28,800 tons per year, with a sale value of Rp 306,000,000,000 per year. Sharing of revenue with Pawang (tekong) and ABK is based on Aceh's traditional laot law, which requires Pawang and ABK to receive one third of the portion, the owner or investor gets one third, and another third is used for operational and logistical needs of the ship to go to sea. The results of the calculation of investment criteria show that fishing is feasible, even profitable, because at an interest rate (discount rate) of 18% per year, a net B / C ratio of 1.73 (> 1) and an NPV of Rp 141,583,050 (> 0). With an IRR of 40% (> discount rate), this means: this project is feasible even though the discount rate reaches 40% per year. The time period needed to return all investment funds (BEP) is 4 years.

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