Penguasaan Konsep Hak Azasi Manusia Dengan Mengunakan Metode Discovery dalam Proses Pembelajaran Di Kelas XI SMA Negeri Kutabaro Aceh Besar

Tamarli Tamarli, Hasanah Hasanah, Ade Ulva Syakinah


This study aims to investigate the use of discovery methods to improve students' mastery of concepts in the concepts of vibrations and waves in high school. The research method used was a quasi-descriptive and descriptive experiment conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Kutabaro Aceh Besar with a sample of class XI students in semester I. The study focused on mastery of concepts. Data collection is done by pretest and posttest for mastery of concepts. Data processing was performed by t-test statistics for different N-gain averages using the SPSS program. Statistical test results show that the use of discovery method learning models on human rights material can significantly improve students' mastery of concept concepts compared to the use of conventional learning models. This is shown from the N-gain normalized mastery of concepts for the experimental class by 0.501 higher than the N-gain normalized by the control class by 0.293. It can be concluded that the use of discovery learning methods can further enhance students' mastery of concepts compared to the use of conventional learning models.

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