Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa

Muhsin Muhsin, taufiq Taufiq


The ability to understand is one of the important goals in learning, providing an understanding that the material taught to students is not only rote, but more than that with understanding students can better understand the concept of the subject matter itself. Mathematical understanding is also one of the goals of every material delivered by the teacher, because the teacher is the student's guide to achieve the expected concepts. Therefore, it is very important to develop and improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities in the mathematics learning process. This study aims to examine the ability to improve mathematical understanding between students who get learning with problem based learning and students who get conventional learning. This research is an experimental study using a pre-test post-test control group design. The population in this study were students of class X MAN 2 Pidie, Aceh in the 2019/2020. Through Purposive Sampling, two classes are chosen in parallel, class X1 as the experimental class and X2 as the control class. The instrument used to collect research data was a mathematical understanding ability test. The statistical test used was a t-test to analyze data on the improvement of mathematical understanding abilities. The results showed that increasing students' mathematical understanding ability that obtained problem-based learning was better than students who obtained conventional learning..

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