Perilaku Kader Kesehatan Tentang Manajemen Terpadu Bayi Muda

Neti Hartaty, Saiful Riza, Desi Anidar, Maimun Tharida


Along this time, the service for the newborn baby is highly low, due to sociey in our culture does not allow the parents take the baby outside from their house before 40 days, moreover not all the process of baby delivery is carried out by the medic staff. The integrated management of newborn baby (MTBM) aims to accelerate the reduction off baby mortality rate, to increase the baby health service, to know whether the baby needs to be transferred to a hospital or not, to provide the knowledge to the baby’s families and societies to do healthcare in their house. The purpose of ths study was to know the demeanor of  health cadres regarding integrated management of newborn baby in work area of community healt center of ulee Kareng of Banda Aceh , 2017. The location of this study was in Ulee Kareng subdistrict of Banda Aceh, dated Oktober 5-26, 2017. The research design used was descriptive research with the 82 health cadres as population and 45 as a sample. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data analysis was univariate analysis. The result of the study showed that 24 cadres (53.3%) had a excellent demeanor, 25 cadres (55.6%) had the high knowledge, and 26 cadres (57.8%) behaved positively. The conclusion of this study was that the hingher the level of education the cadres have, the better the demeanor the have regarding the integrated management of the newborn baby. It is suggested that the health institution provides the special training to all health cadres regarding integrated management of newborn  baby to be carried out by the health cares.

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