Kejadian Dry Eye Syndrome Di SMP Islam Al-Muhajirin Aceh Besar Akibat Penggunaan Air Conditioner
Using Air Conditioner (AC) in daily life have become a habit, AC is used to give a cozy condition but in the other side , AC causes low humidity and causing the eye disruption named dry eye syndrome. The purpose of this research is to know the occurrence of dry eye syndrome in a school due to the use of AC. This type of research is descriptive with cross-secsional design, the subject of this study is students at junior high school of Islam Al-Muhajirin Aceh Besar. The percentage of dry eye syndrome that experienced abnormal eye conditions with a mild severity of symptoms by 98,% while the remaining 1,8% experienced severe symptoms. The result of data analysis found that students who experienced dry eye syndrome by 56 respondents, abnormal eye condition were divided into two levels of severity, namely mild severe, respondents who experienced severity with mild symptoms as many as 55 people or 98% while the remaining 1,8% experienced symptoms dry eye syndrome with severe levels.
Keywords : Air Conditioner, Dry Eye Syndrom
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