Dewi Sartika, Firdaus Firdaus, Ainal Mardhiah


Abstract: Pineapple commodity, which is a leading commodity in Central Aceh Regency, especially Pegasing District, which has agro-climatic potential and land suitability for pineapple commodity development. The level of welfare of farmers will relatively increase if the purchasing power of farmers increases. The indicator that can be used to measure the purchasing power of farmers is the Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP). Farmer's Exchange Rate is related to the purchasing power of farmers in financing and meeting the needs of farming production and household needs. This study aims to analyze the level of farmers' welfare using the Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) method and analyze the factors that influence the Pineapple Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) in Pegasing District, Central Aceh Regency. The research method used is a survey method with a sampling technique that is simple random sampling of 25 farmers. This study uses income concept analysis to find NTP and statistical tests R, R2, t and F as well as classical assumption test to determine the factors that influence NTP. The results showed: The average exchange rate of farmers in the study area reached 164.58%, this shows that the NTP in Pegasing District, Central Aceh Regency is relatively high. The value of the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.955 or 95.50%. The value of R2 obtained a value of 0.913 or 91.13%. The calculated F is 31.367, this value is greater than the F table value, which is 0.05 = 3.10. The factor of land area, and farm income have a significant effect on NTP, while farm production, farming expenditure, food expenditure and non-food expenditure have no effect on NTP.

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