Aris Munandar


Analysis of soil chemical properties for the application of tea dregs compost and chicken manure. Soil chemical components include pH, C-organics, and essential nutrients. Fertile soil conditions are one of the main requirements for achieving optimal production when farming. Under the guidance of Elvrida Rosa as the chairman's supervisor and Savitri as the member's supervisor. This research aimed to look at soil chemical analysis and chemical analysis of the treatment of tea dregs compost and chicken manure. The method used in this research was a Randomized Block Design consisting of 2 treatments and 3 replication groups. The first treatment factor is tea dregs with 3 treatment levels, namely: T0 = control, T1 = tea dregs (250 g/plot), and T = tea dregs (500 g/plot). Meanwhile, the second treatment is chicken manure with 4 treatment levels, namely: K0 = control, K1 = 1000 g/plot, K2 = 3000 g/plot, K3 = 4000 g/plot. The parameters observed were C-organic, available P, and total N. The results of the research showed that soil chemical analysis on the interaction of the influence of doses of tea dregs compost and chicken manure, the dose of tea dregs compost tested was not able to meet the availability of the specified soil analysis parameters. tested. From the results of the tests carried out, there was no real effect, this was caused by internal factors in the plant, namely the plant's nutrient absorption capacity.


: Soil, c-organic, phosphorus, nitrogen, tea dregs, chicken manure

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