This study aims to determine the effect of using the Problem-Solving model assisted by the Find and Solve Me game on students' mathematical problem solving abilities. This type of research is quasi-experimental research. The population in this study were all students of SD Negeri Kalibeji 01, then the research sample was class IV SD Negeri Kalibeji 01. Data analysis techniques used the normality test, homogeneity test, simple linear regression test and independent sample t-test. The results showed: (1) There was an effect of using the Find and Solve Me Game-assisted Problem Solving model on problem solving abilities as evidenced by t count = -2.354 > t table = 2120 and a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 using a linear regression test simple, (2) There are differences in the use of the Problem Solving model for mathematical problem solving abilities as evidenced by the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.026 <0.05 using an independent sample t-test. The conclusion of the study is that the Problem Solving model assisted by the Find and Solve Me game has an effect on increasing students' mathematical problem solving abilities
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