The aim of this research is to produce solar system manipulative media that meets the requirements and is effective in learning the solar system. This research uses the development method with the PLOMP model, with research subjects consisting of 22 students in the experimental class and 27 students in the control class. The results of the paired sample t-test were carried out to determine whether there were differences between the pretest and posttest results of students in the experimental class and the control class. The results showed that there was a significant influence before (pretest) and after the use of solar system manipulative media (posttest) on increasing student learning outcomes in science subjects with the material "Solar System." Based on the N-gain test calculation, the average N-gain value for the experimental class is 0.730, which shows that the increase in students' critical thinking abilities in the experimental class is at a high level. Meanwhile, the average N-gain for the control class is 0.480, which shows that the critical thinking abilities of students in the control class are at a medium level. Thus, it can be concluded that the critical thinking abilities of students who are taught using the manipulative media of the solar system are higher than those of students who are taught using image media
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