Tety Sriana, Sarliansyah Sarliansyah


Muhammadiyah University of Aceh is one of private university in Banda Aceh. This study only focus on the Engineering Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Aceh. The purpose of this study were to find out the rank, the rank of criteria, and the models of selection of selected means of transportation used to reach the campus. This study is useful in order to give input for the Muhammadiyah University about the criteria and selected means of transportation used by students in reaching the university. This study used AHP questionnaire and calculation used Microsoft exel. method. Data were processed and analyzed by using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method to determine modal split to campus
factors. The result of the research showed that criteria influencing the selection of means of transportation were safety (24.78%), flexibility (22.37%), comfort (20.32%), time (16.49%), and cost (16.04%). The general alternative selection of means of modal spilt students were motor cycle (40.89%) in the first, car (32.98%) the second, and on foot (26.13%) the last.

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