Muhammad Usman


Education is one of the topics often discussed in Indonesia. The gaps of education quality seemsto be the problems. It could be seen that the levels of the UN (National Examination) graduates are still under standard. The condition of thisunexspected quality of education also occurs on the results of English learning. The ability to speak both receptive and productive capabilities have not reached the minimum target. Therefore, this research problem is: How
effective does the evaluation process improve student English learning in SMA ? This study aims to investigate and assess the evaluation process in order to get its effectiveness to improve students learning outcome. This studyisdone by giving the treatment in the experimental group and the relative contribution and effective variable covariates on the results of English learning. While research method uses a quasi-experimental, and as an experimental group, it is a group of students during the learning process applied evaluation process. In this research, it is considered to check internal validity and external validity. External validity refers to an understanding of the research results, and it can be generalized. Samples are second grade students of SMAN 2 Banda Aceh chosen at random by considering the similarity of the two groups and tested by using ANOVA statistics. Internal validity refers to an understanding of whether the experimental results are due to other factors. To control
the various factors that will affect the internal validity, it is needed to choose quasiexperimental groups randomly.

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