Teuku Azhari


First language (L1) plays important role in second language (L2) learning. First language serves as basic foundation of second language learning. Skills and Concept of language in Indonesian can be used and transferred when learning English. Four language skills of and fundamental concept of Indonesian such as alphabet and sentence formation help L2 learners learn English. Thus, one with good Indonesian Language mastery basis will benefit in the
English learning process and learn faster. This article will explore how Indonesian language mastery help English language learning. Aspects of language knowledge that can help the learning of English will be evaluated and laid out to see how they can help L2 learning. Aspects of language mastery of Indonesian provide fundamental basic knowledge to learn English. Indonesian students wanting to learn English need to take account of their L1 skills
to support their L2 learning. Some basic skills of Indonesian language need to take account to are part of speech, sentence formation and sentence changes. Improving on L1 will certainly help L2 learning.

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