Usman Usman, Akhyar Akhyar, Saifuddin Saifuddin


The purposes of this research are to gain information on the social conditions of society and culture of coastal community in simeulueregency, to gain formulation concept of empowerment of coastal communities theoretically and to find models of poor community empowerment in coastal areas and islands and to know the bottom line of the data relating to social community.This research is conducted only in two districts, namely district of south teupah and telukdalamin simeulueregency. This research is conducted in April 2015.The results of analysis of this researchare still no policies and application for construction community of fishermen are integrated,enhancing coordination, synchronization and synergy
between construction program in internal government work units or at the provincial level and at the regency level,cross sector or among development actors in coastal communities,should be there is the policy construction in community of fishermen in an integrated way that is continuous, the limitations of fishing tools modern, trouble geographical isolation fishermen villages, making it difficult for goods in and out such as infrastructure inadequate road facilities services (transportation), capital, and traditional markets, limitations capital of fishing effort in improving the economics of fisheries, social
and economic relations exploitative, low levels of household income offishermen, impact the difficulty of scaling upefforts because there is no access to the market, to overcome the above problems the author offers solutions in the empowerment of community of fishermen in simeulueregency. There are four approaches and strategies in the completion of fisherman
community empowerment program, it does not mean that there is no other approaches. The four approaches are: (1) The market access, (2)The Access to the Technology, (3)The Access to the Asset, (4) The creation of the alternative employment.

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