Uji Temperatur Elemen Pemanas Jenis Coil Terhadap Pembengkokan Termoplastik

Usman Usman, Aizil Busairi


Thermoplastic is a product of polymers that is widely used for various purposes. In thermoplastic processing to be an effective item, many processes are needed, one of which is heating to a certain temperature to get a certain product / product. This study aims to determine the heat temperature of the coil type heating element against thermoplastic bending. The type of test material used in this study is a product of thermoplastics, namely acrylic type PMMA material with a maximum working temperature of 850C measuring 5x20 Cm with a thickness of 2-4 mm. This study uses an experimental method which is a study that the author uses to look for the effect of certain treatments on others under controlled conditions. The results showed that, a very good temperature for thermoplastic bending was 800C, at which temperature the thermoplastic did not melt and there were no staining spots from the pressure marks when doing the bending. Thus it can be stated that the coil type heating element used in rice cookers can be used as a heating medium to bend thermoplastics.

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