Analisis Kesiapan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Menghadapi E-Learning di Masa Pandemi

Wiewiek Indriani, Reffika Wati


This article aims to find out how human resources deal with e-learning during the pandemic. Where in e-learning refers to how digital education can be stored in electronic form while "learning" in e-learning refers to content and methods to help students understand the content. Measurement of e-learning readiness needs to be carried out before and after the implementation of e-learning is applied in other subjects so that later it can minimize the failures that will be faced during the implementation of e-learning.The number of respondents in this research was 40 respondents who came from students of the 2019 Faculty of Economics, Malahayati University, Bandar Lampung. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by distributing online questionnaires through google form media.The results obtained are that analyzing the readiness of human resources to face the challenges of technological progress that continues to be dynamic, especially in dealing with e-learning systems. And can increase good quality human resources during the pandemic, especially for students of the Faculty of Economics, Malahayati UniversityDue to the current pandemic situation it is possible to analyze human resources online is the best choice. Utilization of the internet is expected to facilitate human resources in the process of producing better output in student learning activities of the Faculty of Economics, Malahayati University.

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