Analisis Mutu Dendeng Ikan Kambing-Kambing (Abalistes Stellaris) Dengan Penambahan Gula Aren (Arenga Pinnata) Konsentrasi Yang Berbeda

Dina Oktari, Dwi Apriliani AGS, Lia Handayani


Dried spiced fish fillet the is a type of food preservation are made by drying by adding salt, sugar, and other ingredients to obtain the desired flavor. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of adding different concentrations of palm sugar (Arenga pinnata) with variations in concentration of 20%, 30%, and 40% on the assessment of protein content, water content and hedonic tests on Dried spiced kambing-kambing (Abalistes stellaris) fish fillet. The research method used was experimental laboratories. The results showed that the addition of palm sugar concentration had an influence on the Dried spiced kambing-kambing fish fillet. The highest protein content was obtained at the addition of 20% palm sugar concentration of 40.55%, while the lowest protein content was obtained at 40% palm sugar concentration of 30.08%. The highest water content was obtained at the addition of 30% palm sugar concentration of 8.44%, and the lowest water content was obtained at a concentration of 20% at 6.41%. The results of the hedonic Dried spiced of kambing-kambing (Abalistes stellaris) fish fillet test were obtained at a concentration of 40% at 7.57 ≤µ ≤ 8,15.

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