Analysis of Fisheries, Agriculture and Forestry Sector Contributions to Aceh's Economic Growth

Agus Naufal, Wiwiek Rindayati


The aimed of this study is to identify the contribution of the fisheries, agriculture and forestry (FAF) sector to gross regional domestic product (GRDP), absorption labor force, and the rate of economic growth in Aceh. The method used is calculating contribution of the FAF sector to Aceh's GRDP, towards absorption workforce, and towards Aceh's economic growth using the secondary data. The highest contribution of this sector to the Aceh economy was in 2001 which amounted to 23.53 percent. Economic growth in this sector averaged only 1.52 percent annually, but was able to absorb 56.31 percent of the workforce in 2006 and 49.62 percent in 2007. This proves that the FAF sector is a sector that is very influential on the economy Aceh so that it can become a leading sector in Aceh.

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