Beban Keluarga dalam Merawat Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) di SDLB Negeri Kota Banda Aceh

Fitria Susanti, Iskandar Iskandar, Irwan Yuni


Children with special needs are those who have a disability or incredibility in a physical, mental, or emotional state, compare to other children with similar age. These children have strong dependence on their family. Therefore, this situation emerges the impediment of the family in carrying out daily activities. This research aims to find out the family burden level in taking care of children with special needs at State Elementary School for Children with Special Needs in Banda Aceh. The result from the research shows 78 people that there is a potential of time dependency burden with the frequency of 78 (100%) respondents. There is no potential for development burden with the frequency of 78 (100%) respondents, there is no potential for physical burden with the frequency of 60 (76.9%) respondents, there is no potential for social burden with the frequency of 73 (93.6%) respondents, and there is no potential for emotional burden with the frequency 78 (100%) in taking care of children with special health care needs at State Elementary School for Children with Special Needs in Banda Aceh.

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