Identifikasi Ikan Air Tawar Yang Ditemukan Di Danau Ie Sayang Woyla Barat, Aceh Barat

Rika Astuti, Hayatun Nufus


Fish occupy various types of aquatic such as sea water, brackish water and fresh water. Nearly 43% of the total fish of all species occupy fresh water. The change in topography and natural water hydrology can affect the diversity of fish species in a waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the identification of freshwater fish in Lake Ie Sayang by looking at the species composition and structure of the fish community. The study was conducted by survey method from June to August 2019 in Ie Sayang lake, West Woyla. Fish that are the object of research are fish caught using fishing nets. The number of fish obtained is counted and identified to species level. Data analysis uses Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H '), uniformity (E), and dominance (D). The results found 30 individuals, 15 species of fish. Based on species, Channa striata is the number of species that have been captured. Based on the community structure the value of diversity (H ') obtained is 3.46. The uniformity value (E) is around 0.89, and dominance (D) is 0.12. Variation in species diversity during the three months of observation can be caused by differences in fishing grounds, water environmental conditions, and water topography conditions.

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