Efektivitas Senam Prolanis Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Dan Kadar Gula Darah Di Puskesmas

Khairatul Ulfa, Riyan Mulfianda, Nanda Desreza


Of chronic disease and become a major problem dimasyarakat. hypertension and diabetes mellitus. One of the efforts to deal with a chronic disease is a chronic disease management programs aimed at doing activities physical and lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The purpose of this research is to find the effectiveness of a chronic disease management programs to a decrease in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. The kind of research that is used is pre experimental design with the approach one group pretest posttest design. Population in this research is all that follow the program of chronic diseases and gymnastic diseases kept falling upon him hypertension and diabetes mellitus. While sample in this research was gymnastic participants program chronic illnesses for which a total of 15 people. Of research in public health centers Kuta Baro district Aceh Besar on the fourth of 4 October - 25 October in at 2019. The research results show that based on an analysis statistics paired unsupported sample test on the pressure of the blood systolic obtained the value of p value = 0,000. But based on the result analysis of the statistics paired unsupported sample test on the pressure of the blood diastolik obtained the value of p value = 0,000. Then based on the result analysis of the statistics paired unsupported sample test on blood sugar concentration obtained the value of p value = 0,000. So let was recommended to health workers to increase service post. integrated development community

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