Muhammad Daud


The research with the title” village budget implementation in an effort to boost the development of the village” ( The research is implemented in Gampong Lamdingin banda Aceh) with the intention of budget implementation process in order to improve the development of the village toward Gampong Lamdingin Banda Aceh. This research used qualitative descriptive method, by doing an observation and interview with Keuchik Gampong Lamdingin Banda aceh as the data collection techniques interviews. Within this research, the researcher found that the budget execution process as an effort to boost rural development have done well and transparently, with an open attitude toward the public, and develop the village by way of mutual cooperation and word together with the people in the village. The high level of public participation in the effort to build the village, such as giving money, giving the treasure that is beneficial to the village of mutual interest, as well as contribute ideas to the village for the progress of the village. So with uneven infrastucture development and performance of theapparatus Gampong pro people can improve the gampong development, especially in this case Gampong Lamdingin Banda Aceh.“Village Budget Implementation in an Effort to Boost Rural Development” Study Case In Gampong Lamdingin Banda Aceh. The research with the title “Village budget implementation in an effort to boost the development of the Village”( Study Case in Gampong Lamdingin Banda Aceh) with the intention of budget implementation process in order to improve the development of the village toward Gampong Lamdingin Banda Aceh. This research used qualitative descriptive method. By doing an observation and interviews with Keuchik Gampong Lamdingin Banda Aceh as the data collection techniques. Within this research, the researcher found that the budget execution process as an effort to boost rural development have done well and transparently, with an open attitude towards the public, and develop the village by way of mutual cooperation and work together with the people in the village. The high level of public participation in the effort to build the village, such as giving money, giving the treasure that is beneficial to the village of mutual interest, as well as contribute ideas to the village for the progress of the village. So with uneven infrastucture development and performance of the apparatus Gampong pro people can improve the Gampong development, especially in this case Gampong Lamdingin Banda Aceh.


Imlementation, the budget of the village, promote development

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