Jurnal Humaniora is an academic, open access, and peer-reviewed journal founded and first published in 2017 by the Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. Focusing on culture, economy, and law because it is seen from the perspective of Indonesia, especially in Aceh. The humanities journal provides a platform for case studies and analysis, publishing articles that are useful for people and advancing humanities studies. Issues are published two times per year (in April and October). Submissions are open year-around. However, before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript fits within Humaniora's focus and scope, and is written in Indonesian or English and follows our author guidelines. Please note that only research articles or book review are accepted. Jurnal Humaniora has become a CrossRef Member since the year 2017. Jurnal Humaniora is currently indexed and/or included in Google Scholar, Garuda, IOS, DRJI, etc. |
We are accepting original research paper along the years (April and October). Please submit your article using our online journal system. |
Posted: 2019-04-15 | More... |
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Vol 8, No 2 (2024): Oktober 2024
Table of Contents
Alfi Syahril Fuadi Jaya, Zumara Husna, Irsyadillah Irsyadillah
308 - 324
Salsabila Rahmatullah, Dharma Hermawan, Nurhakim Nurhakim, Yusuf Fadli, Sukma Aditya Ramadhan
325 - 340
Ali Yapi, Robby Nurdiansyah, Deni Mulyawan, Neng Endah, Dion Mandala Putra, Damei Erman Herdinasta
341 - 356
Arifin Djakasaputra, Juliana Juliana, Amelda Pramezwary, Diena M. Lemy
357 - 371
Princeska Marsha Setiabudi, Teresa Avilla Valentine Saputra, Keisha Aurelia Rianto, Juliana Juliana, Amelda Pramezwary
372 - 389
Febryola Indra, Juliana Juliana, Ira Hubner, Nova Irene Bernedeta Sitorus, Rosianna Sianipar, Sherla Valensky
390 - 399
Saipul Azis, Adol Bastian, M. Reski M. Reski, Hulwati Hulwati, Johan Septian Putra
400 - 418
Yulius Darus, Paskalis Datus
419 - 434
Cut Delsie Hasrina, Sindi Ayuni, Marah Sutan Rangkuti
435 - 444
Mega Pospita, Netania Emilisa
445 - 458
Nurul Fadhilah, Meri Yulizar, Wina Almunadia
459 - 473
Laili Nur Anisah
474 - 492
Tuwisna Tuwisna, Tarmizi Gadeng, Ikbal Ramzani P, Nurul Annisa
493 - 504
Zahira Rabinawal Irsaputri, Netania Emilisa
505 - 520
Nasrul Voorwanto, M. Nasir Ismail, Teuku Fadhla
521 - 534
Faisal Faisal, Darnelly Darnelly, Isthafan Najmi
535 - 548
Nadiatul Ulfa, Diah Eka Puspita, Khumaira Khumaira, Sri Fitri
549 - 558
Nara Pristiwa, Riwanul Nasron, Elma Yuliatul Luthfi Fani, Natasya Amelia Fatiha
559 - 569
Cut Ainun Jariah, T Lukman Ibrahim, Isthafan Najmi
570 - 580
Gusty Setyono, Indriyani Indriyani, Novya Indah Puspitasari
581 - 592
Nanda Rosyita, M. Nasir Ismail, Khumaira Khumaira
593 - 604
M Shevin Armika, M Nasir Ismail, Teuku Fadhla
605 - 616
Meri Yulizar, Zesi Ariani, Intan Munawarah
617 - 629
Ridho Sadillah Ahmad, Hermastita Sekar Ayu Asmara
630 - 642
Meri Yulizar, Ulfa Rati, Intan Munawarah
643 - 671
Syafiqur Rahman, M. Nasir Ismail, Teuku Fadhla, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin
671 - 683
Raisa Wardani, Intan Munawarah, Wina Almunadia
684 - 696
Teguh Purnomo
697 - 715
Baihaqi Baihaqi, Moch Syauki, Syarifuddin syarifuddin, Bukhari Usman
716 - 724